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Thursday, June 12, 2008

My crude oil price predictions coming true

Do see my earlier posts when I predicted crude oil CAN EVEN TOUCH $200 / BARREL by 2008 end !

People were skeptical...I guess they are not now. Oil's touching $ 140 / barrel . It was $ 65 / barrel last June.

Check out Graph source is from ....

So.....what does it imply ?

Massive inflation rate globally.

Countries that are not able to manage macro-economic factors, falling into debts.....will have to repay it sometime....and in

the process suffer severe losses.

I would bet the European Union would DO STRONGLY ON A LONG-TERM BASIS.

If you are a global investor, buy blue-chip European Stocks.
Developing countries' blue chip stocks buy after serious research.

Wasn't Nostradamus a poor feller like me ? Heck, who cares ?

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