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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Global Economic Recovery Strategies ..part 2

As there are forums and conferences going on in Davos and other places on tackling the Global Economic Meltdown..
Certain points for pondering :

  • Much research has to be done on Strategic Partnerships vis a vis Countries. The European Union has had a head-start only due to analysis of such data.
  • Economic partners should be such that they are not much skewed in one
    direction. That is, one country should not be dependent on a single
    country vis a vis Imports, or even Exports.
  • Big Companies will struggle to keep afloat. So, they have to sub-contract at a cheaper price Projects / Consultancy Work to smaller companies. I see lot of small companies who have the necessary overall
    idea about Global Macro-Economics profitting.
  • Trade and other Deficits. It is unbelievable how such simple things could have been overlooked, even a schoolkid can do the basic maths. I guess we need Economic "Ankit Fadia" s (the legendary cyber-security expert)..the entire Macro-Economic Model that the Capitalist Bloc of
    Countries is TOO MUCH REGIMENTED.

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