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Monday, January 25, 2010

Foggiest Republic Day in India pointer to climate change

This year witnessed probably the foggiest day in Delhi marring the Republic Day celebrations. And this is a pointer of things to come, courtesy the worldwide climatic deviations due to Global Warming.

Well, this winter only, we witnessed the longest chill period. Considering the extremely low mean maximum temperatures, as also the very small mean difference between maximum and minimum temperatures, IT WAS THE MOST UNUSUAL COLD WAVE.

As to the summer extremes and whether the Himalayan Glaciers are facing extinction, only time will tell.

Coming back to the fog..........
I think we would be seeing a gradual increase year by year to more and more FOG-LADEN WEATHER, affecting TRANSPORTATION, such as Railways, Airlines and Roadway Communications of India. I pointed to the 4-5 reasons behind this phenomenon in one of my blogs.

The Railways were very unfortunately hit by this prolonged fog, resulting in quite a number of unprecedented accidents.

There could be a solution to this that could be researched - usage of YELLOW FOG LIGHTS that would have a GREATER RANGE in visualizing the train track lengths.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mother's Ill Health Cause for Longest Break from Blogging

This is about the longest break from blogging.

It's due to my mother's severe ill-health. As you all know, she was hospitalized with Life-Threatening Deep Vein Thrombosis, and had suffered a series of multiple small subacute infarcts due to mini-strokes.
Recovery is taking a long time, and it is heart-rendering to see the detrioration in her gait. She is slowly recovering.

This came as quite a severe shock to the whole family, and my father as also me are also under quite a lot of physical and emotional distress.

However, I will soon resume Blogging.
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